- Historical Perspectives
Historical Perspectives
Dr David Faber is a local historian affiliated with Flinders University. David has been involved with AFOPA for many years, contributing his valuable research expertise to AFOPA's knowledge-bank of Palestine's history, and in particular, Australia's historical involvement in Palestine. We proudly present here a collection of David's historical research papers published by AFOPA, amongst other articles discussing historical perspectives.
Photo above: Ottoman machine gunners during the Second Battle of Gaza, 1917 [Public domain via Wikimedia Commons.]
"Prior to 1976, the Israeli government had been using the Emergency Regulations, a law left over from the British Mandate, to take control of land in the Galilee and hand it over to the Israeli Land Administration (ILA), which would then redistribute it to Jewish settlers under the direction of the Jewish National Fund (JNF)."
"Britain’s colonial past has left its mark in many parts of the world. But most of the peoples it ruled gained their independence after Britain left - except for the Palestinians. Instead, Britain promised their homeland to the Zionist movement through the 1917 Balfour Declaration, even before its occupation of historic Palestine. Britain did so without consulting them, indeed, against their will."
"The Supreme Court in Israel has only been able to question the legality of this policy in a few individual cases, but not in principle. Imagine if in the United Kingdom or the United States, Jewish citizens, or Catholics for that matter, were barred by law from living in certain villages, neighborhoods, or maybe whole towns? How can such a situation be reconciled with the notion of democracy?"
"Today, we can only speculate about where King would stand. Yet I find myself in agreement with the historian Robin D.G. Kelley, who concluded that, if King had the opportunity to study the current situation in the same way he had studied Vietnam, “his unequivocal opposition to violence, colonialism, racism and militarism would have made him an incisive critic of Israel’s current policies.”
Ongoing moves by Zionist lobby groups and American legislators to define anti-Semitism as criticism of Israel is an assault on free speech everywhere, writes Professor Stuart Rees.
Resident AFOPA historian Dr David Faber writes on the anti-semitism claims against Jeremy Corbyn and the British Labor Party.
AFOPA Book Review - The Balfour Declaration: Empire, the Mandate and Resistance in Palestine
JERUSALEM - What you can do
JERUSALEM - Learn more about Jerusalem with these resources and factsheets.
AFOPA Executive member, Bassam Dally, interviewed on ABC Radio.
Press releases from the Australia Palestine Advocacy Network (APAN).
AFOPA Executive member, Prof. Bassam Dally, says to ABC News: "This may be a trigger for something bigger. I hope it's not, but I won't be surprised that there will actions and counter-actions. This is not good for anyone at the end of the day."
Two-State Solution, Ending Occupation Remain Only Path to Lasting Peace, Says Deputy Secretary-General, Marking Day of Solidarity with Palestinian People.
JADALIYYA, 29 Nov 2017 - Five anniversaries and their alternatives
Sol Salbe writes about the missing Arab piece of Beersheba's centenary events.
The 100-year anniversary of one of Great Britain’s great betrayals is approaching. Professor Stuart Rees explains.
ARMIDALE, NSW - Exhibition - Horse Power: Light Horse in Palestine - to Beersheba and beyond, 29 September 2017 - 11 February 2018
'...it will be news to many that this year’s official commemoration in Israel in October of the 1917 Battle of Beersheba, involving the Israeli and Australian governments, will implicitly bless the contemporary policies of these allies in terms of an alleged divine plan supposedly sealed in the blood of Anzac dead.'
Like many on the Australian Left in the immediate post-war era, including the historians Brian Fitzpatrick and Manning Clark, Evatt was a strong Zionist sympathiser...
Australia has historical obligations to the Palestinians as a consequence of the British Mandate...
The Palestinians are not, as Zionists maintain, purely Arabic Muslim blow-ins and late-comers to the Holy Land...
One of the most romantic figures of twentieth century popular culture is undoubtedly Thomas Edward Lawrence.
The pretence that Jordan is Palestine is based on a number of fallacies.
On the evening of 16 September 2014 there was an interesting event hosted in Adelaide by the State Library of South Australia...
Can an illogical interpretation be good history?
Israeli settlements established since the Six Day War of 1967 in the Occupied Palestinian Territories are illegal and criminal acts of war. ...